My roomie got up early and got us registered.
Despite which our turn came only at 3.30.As the one persom who had come before us registered for about 15 to 20 people!!
There are about 3 glider there and each take a turn to fly the passengers.

The glider is launched via a diesel powered winch. at the far end of the ground. You climb in and the pilot straps you in the cockpit behind the pilots seat.

How to go about it
Got to the club around 8.30 get yourself registered and anyone else who would want to join (One person and register many) Go early, you may have to wait
The flying starts around 9:30. There is a person who has the roster, and he will direct you. Climb in and the pilot will strap you in and the ride is on. It lasts around 3-5 mins depending on the no of people in queue
Once the ride is over you will have to pay and it's pretty cheap at 187Rs a round.
Hi, this is very exciting, can you update us with the price? is it still 187 Rs??
ReplyDeletePossibly, the center is a govt run unit, however I have no source to confirm.